
Learning, freedom and responsibility as a Sales Trainee

This time in the trainee blog series, we feature Max, who has spent his summer as a sales trainee at Visma Solutions. Max shares his experiences and insights from his traineeship, which has included both practical learning and professional development.


Learning, freedom and responsibility as a Sales Trainee

This time in the trainee blog series, we feature Max, who has spent his summer as a sales trainee at Visma Solutions. Max shares his experiences and insights from his traineeship, which has included both practical learning and professional development.


Learning, freedom and responsibility as a Sales Trainee

This time in the trainee blog series, we feature Max, who has spent his summer as a sales trainee at Visma Solutions. Max shares his experiences and insights from his traineeship, which has included both practical learning and professional development.

Visma Life


Learning, freedom and responsibility as a Sales Trainee

This time in the trainee blog series, we feature Max, who has spent his summer as a sales trainee at Visma Solutions. Max shares his experiences and insights from his traineeship, which has included both practical learning and professional development.

Visma Life

Q: First, to introduce yourself a bit, could you tell a random fact about you?

Max: I’ve been playing the guitar since I was a child, and I listen to music nearly all the time.

Q: Could you share your study background?

Max: I have completed a Bachelor’s degree in International Business. Next, I’m about to finish my Master’s degree in Strategic Business Development.

The summer trainee program seemed like a great opportunity to learn

Q: What attracted you to Visma Solutions and led you to your current role?

Max: I chose Visma Solutions because of its good employer brand and the various opportunities it could offer. I also valued the opportunities for career growth, the responsibility and the benefits. The summer trainee program seemed like a great opportunity to learn more about sales and business development while also taking on more responsibility.

Q: Describe your position and daily tasks at Visma Solutions

Max: I’m a sales trainee, and broadly, my responsibilities include sales development and sales operations. In practice, sales operations means I support sales with data, reports and dashboards.

Scheduling customer meetings takes up a significant portion of my work time. This has included prospecting as well as discussions with company decision-makers about their companies’ technology solutions. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to cover for sales representatives from another product line during the summer holidays.

My days are either entirely spent working with customer contacts or analysing reports and creating reports based on the data, as well as developing and maintaining our CRM system.

Q: Did you have any expectations before you started? How has reality matched up with those expectations? Any surprises?

Max: During the recruiting process I got a clear picture of what my position would include and the reality has matched my expectations and wishes pretty well. A positive surprise was the start-up-like company culture despite us being a large company, offering both responsibility and freedom.

Q: What has been the best thing so far?

Max: Definitely the work community, the freedom and trust I have been given and the free beverages at the office.

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